A lifetime expedition of self-realization, it inspires you to challenge one’s physical and mental capabilities, promotes healthy life style, and builds self-reliance, discipline and strength of character. It is a form of martial arts that works not just on defensive mechanism & fitness but also developing self-control and self-confidence.
This Chinese martial art helps you develop patience and energy. It is based on recognizing your maximum capability as a human being, commencing with improving your real emotional growth, intelligence quotient and mastering physical fitness.
Kickboxing is a great way to tone and condition your body. We have full-fledged designed sessions that teach you the techniques and skills of Kickboxing thereby learning self-defense, promoting confidence and enhancing fitness.
A dance fitness program involving dance and aerobic elements. The exercises include music with fast and slow rhythms, as well as resistance training is an excellent way to shed extra weight.
Considered as the union of the mind with the absolute, Yoga aims to have physical, mental and spiritual disciplines combined, to transform body and mind. A combination of various Yoga streams taught here aid you to understand yourself and live life energetically.
Combination of rhythm, stretch and strength for improving your fitness and increasing metabolism. It refers to using the oxygen in muscles and providing a faster and enhanced immune and resistance to disease.
Experience the gentle flowing, movements of Tai chi and treat your whole body to a gentle and relaxing workout. This defense training is a voyage to better health, peace of mind and fitness without strain, as your mind and body work in harmony for superb results.
Whether you are training to win a fight or training for fun, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) can get you in the best shape of your life and has some other physical & mental benefits such as shed excess pounds, Improve overall fitness, enjoy better heart health, gain greater strength, increase bone density, develop confidence & reduce stress and anxiety. It is a full-contact combat sport that allows both striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from other combat sports and martial arts.